Adele was born and raised in Huddersfield. Her life took a transformative turn in November 2001 when she became a Christian at The King’s Church in Halifax. This pivotal moment ignited a profound spiritual journey, leading her to join Christians Against Poverty, where she spent 18 years in various roles and discovered her passion for hosting retreats, whilst leading on client breaks. These moments allowed her to witness people encountering Jesus and experiencing life-changing transformations.

Over the years, she’s qualified in counselling and addiction counselling, engaged in preaching, public speaking, and leading short courses like Alpha and Freedom in Christ-reaching over 400 individuals. In 2015, Adele founded and pastored Anew Home Church in Huddersfield until moving to Harmony House in September 2021. She also serves as a trustee of the Isaiah 61 Movement, helping to support and uplift others.

Locally, she is an active member of the St Helen’s Church PCC and the Methodist chapel, and enjoys leading bible studies in the village. Her heart is full when spending time with her family, especially her parents, two daughters, and two grandchildren. In her free time, she’s enjoyed trichology, dressmaking, walking, art, reading, dining out, ceroc dancing, singing, traveling, and horses.

Raised in a Methodist Church, Heather found a deep connection with Jesus in her late teens. As an adult, she became involved in vibrant Anglican churches and cultivated a strong relationship with Jesus, Father, and Holy Spirit.

After a 20-year career in housing, Heather met Adele while working together at CAP for 17 years.

Now semi-retired, she dedicates her time to volunteering in various capacities with disadvantaged individuals and leading prayer and Keys to Freedom in her church.

Heather's passion lies in witnessing lives being changed by the transformative love, joy, and healing of Jesus, guiding people towards finding true freedom in Him.

Rod lives in West Yorkshire with his wife and two daughters. He's a published author ("The Real Deal"), speaker, and professional illusionist. Besides his family, his greatest passion is helping people encounter the truth and freedom that comes from knowing Jesus Christ. God has given him a big heart to see the broken restored, the oppressed find peace, and those in chains set free.

Having worked for Christians Against Poverty for 13 years, Rod witnessed the transformative power of the gospel firsthand. He feels it's a privilege to be part of these discovery retreats, sharing his journey to salvation and freedom. He believes many will leave these retreats healed and made whole by Jesus Christ.

With nearly three decades in Christian and secular therapy, training, and supervision, Mary has gained extensive experience. Over 20 years ago, she researched, trained, and founded a successful addiction charity. Mary has helped many navigate trauma, grief, anger, and addiction.

Her passion for travel sparked when her children moved to Australia. Retired now, Mary connects with people, listens to their stories, and enjoys food, gardening, and new challenges.

Her spiritual journey began with her 1989 baptism in the Haworth river!

Katie is a lively and social individual who balances her time between working for Christians Against Poverty, Ashby Youth for Christ, playing netball, strumming the harp, and cherishing moments with family and friends. With an Honours Degree in Social & Professional Studies in Learning Difficulties from King Alfred's College in Winchester, Katie dedicated nearly 10 years as a volunteer and manager in this field before pausing to raise her three children. Coming to faith in 2008, Katie is passionate about the local church meeting community needs and sharing the joys of faith in Jesus.

Ros came to faith when she was 20 and has worked in schools and for various Christian charities including CAP, Mercy UK and Joanna Project, supporting some of the most vulnerable people in society.

She loves to facilitate others in creativity and is currently writing a book about the unexpected adventure God took her on to live in the Cook Islands some years ago!

Ros enjoys listening to peoples stories and counts it a huge privilege when she gets the opportunity to pray for them. Her passion is to help nurture people in their faith and to see them touched by the perfectly loving presence of Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit.

Since becoming a Christian while watching John McEnroe beat Bjorn Borg in the 1981 Wimbledon final (yes, an unusual conversion story!), Julie hasn't looked back. She went on to have three more baby surprises, creating a lively family of six children and now 16 grandchildren. Her life is never dull!

Julie loves knowing Jesus and sharing His love with others. After her husband passed away, she became a volunteer at a local residential, dementia and nursing home, sharing Jesus with them which brings her great joy. Julie is a regular gym-goer and enjoys walking, cycling, and swimming. She also loves a good detective program!

Helen became a Christian in her early forties after God revealed Himself to her while she was struggling with forgiveness. He guided her in balancing her career as a Chartered Accountant with her desire to serve His Kingdom. In 2013, Helen joined CAP as a debt centre manager, and still loves sharing her passion for Jesus through this work. When she's not working, she enjoys spending time with her husband Andy, their two children, and their families. They moved to Leeds in 2021 to be hands-on grandparents. They also love traveling and skiing.

Wanda graduated from the University of Wolverhampton and Dijon, France, before pursuing a senior retail management career. There, she honed her skills in coaching teams and managing multi-million-pound budgets. Now semi-retired, she works part-time for the Church of England in the Diocese of York. Wanda has been an active member of St Michael le Belfrey church in York since committing to follow Jesus in her mid-30s.

Her passion is prayer (and her cat, Toby) and witnessing the power of God's Spirit bringing about transformational change. Wanda loves seeing the Kingdom of God grow in our village, city, and nation.

Alison a follower of Jesus, and someone who works hard to make the most of life with a joyful smile. Her journey includes experience in church and ministry leadership positions: youth pastor, strategic church leadership team, leader’s team. Alison was a speech and language therapist, and is am now a senior accredited Therapeutic Christian Life Coach, senior accredited pastoral and coach supervisor, and trainer at Christian colleges, most recently at Waverley Abbey College. She currently lives with her husband in South West Wales and loves breathing in fresh sea air and being in nature, on the millennial coastal path.

Ellie has had faith in Jesus since she was 6 years old, and has walked through life with that faith. She is the CEO of Christian mental health charity, Kintsugi Hope, and puts people at the forefront of her working life, making 'People & Culture' her professional focus for over 20 years. She brings a wealth of experience in supporting people through the challenges of life, having had a few of her own! Ellie brings kindness into her conversations, and just 'holds space' for people. Ellie is full of fun wherever possible too! Always on the verge of becoming a runner, Ellie enjoys swimming and saunas to unwind at the end of a day.

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