Would you like to donate a one-off gift to us, a regular monthly gift or a retreat for someone who cannot afford one themselves? Then please do check out the information below.

You can gift the whole amount of a retreat for a loved one or for someone who cannot afford their own retreat, by using our 'Pay it Forward' scheme.

Please click the button below, or email us to arrange a different amount on info@anewretreats.org.

Gift a Retreat

If you'd like to give us a regular monthly gift to support us, then please email us on info@anewretreats.org and we will set this up for you.

If you'd prefer to give a one-off gift, please choose from one of the following options: Alternatively, contact us via email if you'd like to gift a different amount. info@anewretreats.org

Thank you so much for your financial support. It means a lot and we really appreciate it.